Thursday, January 29, 2009

Some New Baby Photos

I haven't had much time lately to do much more then feed the baby! But I did manage to snap a few photos today that I thought I'd share.

Gabriel is a week old today! Wow!

Everything is going fine, although I still am trying to figure out how to get back into a routine. It will be easier when his feeding schedule is a bit better.

Baby Billy is starting to have some issues. *sigh* He's throwing monster fits, hitting, throwing things, etc. Aaaack! I'm trying to figure out how to pay enough attention to him and the new baby. We'll get there. :)

Okay - here are the photos...I'm going to attempt to take a nap!


KimV said...

Awww, Bethany he is so, so sweet!!

Cozy Blue Photography said...

He is BEAUTIFUL!! In a very handsome boy way, of course. :O) Congrats!!

SarahAnne said...

So cute! I can almost smell his newborn smell through the monitor! I love it! Congrats again!