Thursday, July 5, 2012

Happy Fourth of July!

We hope your Fourth was as fun as ours!

The Boys and I spent our Fourth cleaning up the yard and rock beds. I think at one time they were meant to be flower beds - but the only thing they are growing now is weeds and toys.  My plan is to build raised garden beds. Yay! I am a brown thumb at heart (everything I plant dies) so we'll see how that goes.

Then in the evening we did fireworks, Daddy was trying to get out of it this year, however we were woken up with two very excited little boys this morning asking if it was time to go see the fireworks yet. We bought some of our own this year, which the boys had a BLAST with (literally!) and then drove down to a better view of the big fireworks. Finally we finished the night off with ice cream treats on the way home. Yum!

The boys getting ready to do our firecrackers...

Watching the neighbors firecrackers...

Sparkler fun!

Boys and their explosives!

This is Abby's first Fourth of July! She wasn't scared of the lights and noise one little bit. She was just amazed at it all! I took pictures, but in those pictures she was very hard to see and crappy picture quality. :(

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